Letting Your Baby Grow Up

It has been an important week in the history of Tots Play –
our very first franchise holder ran her very first class!

She had a good turnout, enjoyed running the session and got
great feedback too. We are very proud of her, and there is no doubt that her
business will go from strength to strength.

This milestone, though, has brought up mixed emotions for
me. I am certainly proud of how far Tots Play has come in less than three
years, and of the great job our new franchisee has done to get her business up
and running. I am excited too, thinking about where my little business is
heading, and the many more mums and babies we will be able to reach, both with
classes and with the opportunity of running a business around a growing family.
Aside from all that though, there has also been some apprehension.

Having conceived and brought Tots Play to life, I, like many
other business owners, think of it a bit like a second child, and this week was
the equivalent of its first day at school.

So far I have been able to “keep it at home with me” where I
could keep a close eye on everything that happened, but  the time has now come where I have to start to
let go, entrusting part of its care to someone else – in short to let it start
to grow up.

The worries are there just like with any child, will it know
what to do, will its new carer take care of it properly, will people like it,
how will it manage without me!  But
having nurtured it, and prepared it as well as I can and I know that if it is to
grow and reach the potential I know it has then I can’t keep it all to myself
forever, and this is a step on that journey.

Of course the journey is one that all parents have to go
through. Seeing new mums (and dads) bring their tiny babies to Tots Play classes
and watching them develop and grow over the months and years they are with us
is one of the most rewarding parts of what I do,  and one of the great things about this is
witnessing the journey that all our children have to make towards independence.

Those first, small, but important steps might be as simple
as reaching out for the bubbles for the first time, crawling away from mum or
dad to explore a sensory toy that has caught their eye, or leaving mum’s side
to return their song sheet to the front of the class, but each step builds on
the one before and the each time the step is repeated it becomes a little
easier. The crucial part of the process for our Tots, is that mum, dad or
another important person in their life is there to support, encourage and
celebrate with them. This is what gives them the confidence to take those
steps, to try new things, to follow what interests and excites them, to develop
and grow.

As both a parent and a business owner I see that this is now
my role – supporter, cheerleader, someone to celebrate with, and also a place
to turn and come back to when things don’t go quite as planned! There are, of
course, many more steps to take on this journey for all of us who are parents.
Perhaps the path will not always take the direction we imagine, and there are
bound to be setbacks along the way, but our babies are going to grow up whether
we like it or not, and learning, one step at a time, to let go and adapt our
role to what they need it to be is perhaps how we grow and develop too.

Beach Ball Fun for your Baby

As we have been using beach balls at class this week, and
inspired by a mum’s at one session who told us that the beach ball was the best
play thing she had bought for her daughter, I thought I would share with you
some of the ways this simple, inexpensive item can be used to help boost your
baby’s development, as well as providing hours of entertainment!

Baby Play with Beach Ball

Tummy Time Fun on the Beach Ball

I’m sure it goes without saying but do take care to always hold your baby securely when doing any of the following activities on the ball.

Massage and Relaxation

  • Lie baby on his or her back over the ball with
    it partially deflated.
  • Bring baby’s arms above the head and stretch out
    the spine.
  • Gently bounce baby on the ball, move the arms
    and legs up and down, and side to side.
  • Hold baby’s hands and pull up a few centimetres,
    then release. Do this slowly and gently, supporting the head if needed.
  • Gently massage baby’s hands, feet and face if
    they enjoy it. You can also place baby over the ball on his or her tummy and
    massage the back.

Tummy Time

  • Lie baby over the ball on his or her tummy.
  • Encourage baby to keep their head lifted as you
    rock the ball forwards and back, and side to side. This helps to strengthen the
    neck and back muscles and improve head control.
  • Rock baby all the way forward until his or her
    hands touch the floor. Place a toy in front for baby to reach out for and pick
  • For older babies, encourage them to put weight
    on their hands, and build up to forwards hand walking, letting the body roll
    forwards on the ball.


  • Sit baby on top of the ball, and holding them
    securely, rock the ball in different directions. This will help to strengthen
    baby’s core muscles as they naturally move to regain balance.
  • Hold baby’s hands and gently move them forwards
    and back a few times, then pull further forwards until their feet touch the
    floor. Let them take their weight on their legs as you pull them up to
  • Sit with your baby and give them the ball to
    play with as they wish. You may want to show them how to roll the ball, and how
    to shake it or bounce it, and if it is made from clear plastic like the ones we
    use at the play sessions, how to look through it to see you on the other side.

For more activities like these to stimulate the development of your baby’s body,
brain and all their senses, sign up for our free weekly Tots Play Bulletin at www.totsplay.co.uk, or even better, come
and join us at a class very soon.