The Third Way – Becoming Self Employed

It’s exciting times at Tots Play HQ just now. As our first franchisee continues to go from strength to strength (we are very pround of her!), we are ready to open up the business opportunity to a wider audience.

A single post on our Facebook page to this effect brought an immediate flurry of interest, which seems to suggest that there are a large number of people out there looking for a  new way to balance work and family life, and with the desire to take control of their lives, to design a future for themselves that fits their unique goals and aspirations.

As I have been speaking to people about the franchise over the last couple of weeks, the conversations seem to have all gone in a similar direction. They start off with a specific or technical question about the business but move quickly into a discussion about the kind of lifestyle they want to acheive for themselves and their family, about their dreams and aspirations for all aspects of their life, not just what they need to do to pay the bills.

Many are facing the same dilemma that I did a few years ago, wanting to be at home to raise a much loved child or children, but needing to work for both financial and personal reasons. Not that it is always a straight choice. I hear lots of stories about how the job they did before having children is no longer practical now they have a family, and this desire for a “third way” leads them to consider self employment. From personal experience I know that running your own business can be the ideal solution, providing the flexibility and also challenge that many, mums especially, are seeking. This is not to say it is the easy option. Beind self employed requires dedication, commitment and a lot of hard work, but for the right person the rewards it can bring, far outweigh the negatives that go along with it.

As for me, my perfect lifestyle is continuing to evolve. Having built a business that works around my family I now want to use the knowledge and experience I have gained to help and support others who are brave enough to take the plunge into the world of the self employed. Through the Tots Play franchise programme I will be on hand to not only train our franchisees on how to get their business up and running, but to guide and encourage them when needed, and to be their cheerleading team as they head towards their goals, celebrating with them the success that I know will come for them.

I understand what a new and scary journey it is into unknown territory, not just because I have been there before, but because I am also there now. Stepping into the role of franchisor literally means stepping up to new challenges, many of which are, and will be, way outside my comfort zone. But I am excited to be embracing them, and as I talk to those women considering the franchise option, and we begin to build a picture of the life they want, and that I know is possible for them to acheive, I know I am exactly where I want and need to be. Everyone’s needs are different and I know that not everyone I speak to will end up joining the Tots Play family, but even if they don’t, if I have opened their eyes to the possibility that there could be a different future, and alternative to the either/or scenario they are perhaps facing, a third way, then I am happy that our paths have crossed, and who knows where that the path may lead them – perhaps even back this way in the future.

If you too are looking for a “third way” and would like to find out more about whether the Tots Play franchise programme could be the right solution for you, email for an information pack, and start designing the future you want – today!



One response

  1. Totally agree with you Helen. Sometimes we think it’s a choice between work and family, when in reality there is a way to do both, while doing something you love! Good luck with the franchise and hope lots of people join you and in doing so realise their dreams 🙂

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