New Beginnings

So new school year, new term of classes, so why not a new place for all things Tots Play!

To complement our classes and weekly play ideas (not signed up for those yet? Go to and enter your details for instant access), this will be a place where I will be sharing thoughts, ideas and whatever I else I find that I think you might like, about the ways in which play time activities help your little one’s development, and help you to remember to have fun too, especially on those otherwise not so fun days!

Tots Play is also entering a new phase as we start to expand, bringing our brand of fun and learning to more Tots through our new licence scheme. I am sure this will bring with it a variety of ups, downs and learning opportunities(!), so will be spilling the beans on all this too, plus what life is really like when running a pre-school classes business.

To reflect both these things I decided to call the blog – Playing to Win, as the more we learn about and spread the message of the importance of play the more, I believe, everyone will win – children, parents and, of course it doesn’t hurt those who run a play class business either!

I would love to know what you would like to hear about on here, so please leave your comments and suggestions so I can do my best to oblige, and so I know you’re out there!

Have fun playing everyone. xx

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